Please take a few moments to read our Terms & Conditions prior to using this website. These Terms & Conditions govern the use of this website. Should you have any questions or wish to clarify the meaning of any of these Terms and Conditions, please contact Berwick Potteries via email at:
These terms and conditions were last updated on 1 December 2017. Please review them regularly as we do update our Terms & Conditions.
Acknowledgement and acceptance of terms and conditions:
This website is owned and operated by Berwick Potteries Pty Ltd (ABN: 67004765717 ) (“Berwick Potteries”). By accessing, browsing or using this website, you agree to these terms, conditions and disclaimers as amended from time to time (“Terms & Conditions”) and acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions.
By downloading any of the pages on this website you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
Amendments to terms and conditions
Berwick Potteries may amend these Terms & Conditions from time to time. Any amendment will be effective immediately via notification in this section of this website. Your continued use of this website after any amendment becomes effective constitutes an agreement by you to abide by and be bound by these Terms & Conditions, as so amended.
Information you provide to us
You agree:
1. If you provide us with any information it shall be current, complete, and accurate.
2. When you provide any information you are representing and warranting that all of the information provided is true and correct.
3. You must not transmit or attempt to transmit any material of any kind to this website which contains a virus, malicious computer code or other harmful component or otherwise attempt to alter any of the content on this website.
4. You consent and agree to the disclosure by Berwick Potteries to any law enforcement agency in any jurisdiction that is investigating any breach or suspected breach of any law in any jurisdiction of your identity or other information provided by you to this website, upon being requested to do so by that law enforcement agency.
You can read our Disclaimer or inspect it in store at Berwick Potteries
Limitation of liability
None of Berwick Potteries, its related bodies corporate, any of their directors, officers, employees, or shareholders will in any way be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages (including in negligence), resulting from your use or your inability to use this website, your reliance on any information or advice contained on this website or for the cost of procurement of substitute products or services or resulting from any products or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through this website or resulting from unauthorised access to or alteration of your transmissions or data or of any information contained on your computer system or on this website, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, loss of use, loss of data or other intangible, even if Berwick Potteries has been advised as to the possibility of such damages.
Where any Act of Parliament implies in these Terms & Conditions any term, condition or warranty, and that Act avoids or prohibits provisions in a contract excluding or modifying the application of or exercise of, or liability under such term, condition or warranty, such term, condition or warranty shall be deemed to be included in these Terms & Conditions, however, the liability of Berwick Potteries for any breach of such term, condition or warranty shall be limited to the minimum permitted by the Act of Parliament.
Prices for Products or services
Prices of products and services and delivery and other charges displayed on this website are current at the time of placement on the website (errors and omissions excepted), but may change at any time and are subject to availability. The availability of products and services may change from time to time.
Returns Policy
You can read our Returns Policy or inspect it in store at Berwick Potteries.
Privacy Policy
You can read our Privacy Policy or inspect it in store at Berwick Potteries.
Links to other websites
This site may contain links to websites maintained by other companies and organisations. Berwick Potteries does not make any representation as to the accuracy of information contained on those websites and will not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, ownership or any other aspect of the information contained on those websites.
This website may also contain third party advertisements (including banner ads and referral buttons) which contain embedded hyperlinks to websites operated by third parties. All third party advertising is paid for by the relevant third party advertisers and the placement of third party advertisements on this website does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Berwick Potteries of the products or services advertised. The third party advertiser is solely responsible to you for any representations or offers made by it.
Unless otherwise indicated, copyright of the information on this website is owned by Berwick Potteries. All rights are reserved.
You may download a single copy of the information on this website and, where necessary for its use as a reference, keep a temporary copy in your computer’s cache and make a single hard copy of that information. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws, no part of the information contained on this website may be otherwise reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, re-sold, adapted, performed in public, transmitted in any form by any process (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including further copying, recording, taping or by a storage and information retrieval system) or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the specific prior written consent of Berwick Potteries.
If you believe that you own the copyright in any work and that work is displayed on this website without your consent, please contact Berwick Potteries and your complaint will be investigated.
Third party copyright and trademarks
Third party names, logos and icons identifying third party products and services referenced herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All other product and/or brand or company names mentioned herein are copyrights and/or trademarks of their respective owners.
Virus warning
Berwick Potteries does not represent that any information (including any file) obtained from or through this website is free from computer viruses or other faults or defects. It is your responsibility to scan any such information for computer viruses. Berwick Potteries will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or economic), however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise, which may result directly or indirectly from any such information. To the extent that any applicable law that cannot be excluded imposes any liability on Berwick Potteries, that liability shall be limited to the cost of re-supplying that information.
You hereby waive, release, forgive, discharge and relinquish any and all claims that you now have or may have in the future against Berwick Potteries, its related bodies corporate, directors, employees, agents and representatives which are connected with, arise out of, relate to or are incidental to any transaction.
Applicable law
These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. You and Berwick Potteries agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Victoria, Australia or any Federal Court sitting in Melbourne Victoria.
If any provision(s) of these Terms and Conditions is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision(s) shall be construed, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the parties with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect.
Berwick Potteries failure to exercise or enforce any rights or provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Berwick Potteries in writing.
Any party engaging in illegal activities involving the use of this website will be subject to civil and criminal prosecution. Berwick Potteries cannot guarantee that it will be able to prevent any illegal or inappropriate use of this website, nor can Berwick Potteries guarantee that it will give advance notice or warning of any illegal or inappropriate use of this website.
Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Returns Policy.